Growing in Patience: Understanding Others to Bear Spiritual Fruit
As Christians, we are called to bear spiritual fruit in our lives as evidence of being disciples of Jesus. While there are nine fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5, three particularly challenging ones are patience, kindness, and goodness.
Why is Patience So Important?
The Bible teaches that patience is better than pride and that those who are patient demonstrate great understanding. Conversely, those who are quick-tempered reveal foolishness. In our instant-gratification culture, patience can be especially difficult to cultivate.
The Key to Growing in Patience
The secret to developing patience lies in growing in understanding. When we're impatient with others, it's often because we don't fully understand their situation or story. Everyone we meet:
Is afraid of something
Loves something
Has lost something
Is going through personal struggles
The Order Matters: Love Leads to Patience
The fruits of the Spirit follow a specific order:
Love, joy, and peace (given by God)
Patience, kindness, and goodness, Faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (offered to others)
We cannot skip steps - we must first receive God's love, joy and peace before we can demonstrate patience and understanding toward others.
Practical Steps to Grow in Patience
To develop greater patience:
Take time to understand others' stories
Listen without making quick judgments
Remember everyone is fighting their own battles
Stay connected to God as the source of patience
Choose understanding before reacting
Life Application
This week, challenge yourself to:
Identify situations where you tend to be impatient
Before reacting, pause and consider what the other person might be going through
Ask God to help you see people through His eyes of understanding
Reflection Questions:
In what areas of your life do you struggle most with impatience?
How might taking time to understand others' situations change your reactions?
Are you trying to demonstrate patience in your own strength rather than staying connected to God?
Remember: Everything worthwhile takes time - good marriages, spiritual maturity, wisdom. Choose understanding first, and patience will follow.