Understanding How to Bear Fruit in Your Christian Walk
As we enter a new year, many of us desire to be more fruitful in our spiritual lives. But what does it really mean to bear fruit as a Christian? Jesus provides clear guidance through the metaphor of the vine and branches.
What Does Jesus Say About Bearing Fruit?
In John 15:8, Jesus states that bearing much fruit glorifies God and proves we are His disciples. He emphasizes that this fruitfulness comes through remaining connected to Him - He is the vine, and we are the branches. Apart from this connection, we cannot produce any fruit.
How Do We Stay Connected to Jesus?
The key word Jesus uses is "abide" - to remain present and connected. This goes beyond just tolerating or accepting, but means to:
Stay continually present
Maintain an ongoing connection
Not depart when things get difficult
Allow ourselves to be held by Him
What Prevents Us From Being Fruitful?
Common barriers to bearing fruit include:
Disconnecting from God when life gets stressful
Trying to produce fruit through our own efforts
Being physically present but mentally distant
Not asking for help when needed
Operating in survival mode rather than thriving
What Does True Fruitfulness Look Like?
God's desire is not for us to merely survive or produce minimal fruit - He wants us to "bear much fruit" and experience life to the fullest. This includes:
Growing in love, joy, peace, patience and other spiritual fruits
Being intentionally present with God and others
Thriving rather than just surviving
Making consistent small improvements (1% better each day)
Being willing to let God prune away what's unhealthy
This week, consider these questions:
Where am I trying to produce fruit in my own strength rather than staying connected to Jesus?
What areas of my life need pruning to become more fruitful?
How can I be more intentionally present with both God and others?
Challenge: Take time this week to truly "abide" with Jesus through dedicated prayer and Bible reading. Ask Him to show you one specific area where He wants to produce more fruit in your life. Then commit to staying connected to Him in that area rather than trying to force growth on your own.
Remember - true fruitfulness comes not through striving, but through remaining connected to the vine. As you abide in Christ, He will naturally produce fruit through your life.