Liz Trujillo, Blogger at Truelifewithliz.com, Communications Director - Worship Leader & Vocal Coach at Junction Community Church in Grand Junction, CO, wifey, and mom of 2 amazing girls (ages 18 & 14) and a little prince (age 8).
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1:3-6NIV)
We All Work & He’s At Work In All of Us
I was once in conversation with some friends, talking about our availability through the week so we could plan an errand, when one friend said, “Oh! That’s right- You don’t work, huh?!”
A common misconception about being a Stay-at-Home mom is that we don’t work. And though I don’t have a paycheck that goes into the bank, I can assure you, I do work.
In fact, Every mom works.
I would love for us to imagine for a moment that we don’t live in a society that makes some of us justify why some of us are stay-at-home moms while making others qualify the reasons we choose to or have to be in the marketplace.
It shouldn't be either/or.
It should always be AND.
The world consists of both; The world needs both.
I know this to be true: All moms work. Be it in an office space, or a factory, within a home or from their phones- every mom works.
Every mom also has dreams and goals for their children.
But what if I told you that every mom has dreams and goals for herself?
It’s true.
We can have both.
And what’s even more true?
We don’t have to let them stay within our hearts. We can turn them over to The Lord and allow Him to help us, as mothers, figure out how to keep the dreams alive.
Many times dreams scare the junk out of us because we can’t see how we could possibly fit one more thing into our current mom-life. Other times, we push the dreams deep down inside for fear of being rejected for having our own personal goals. Friend, can I give you some good news? Your dreams matter.
If you are a mom, or if you mother others in your care, your dreams are essential to who God has designed you to be. Your dreams are worth sharing and supporting.
Now, dreams are awesome to have, but what’s even better?
A surrendered will.
A heart that trusts God to do all He wants to in His timing and keeps doing the hard work in the waiting period.
Friend, it’s ok to dream as a mom. It’s ok to feel successful in the marketplace. It’s even ok to stay home as a mom. It’s ok to keep working hard at things that God has placed on your heart to do.
We are all working; working inside the home and outside the home. But let’s also remember that God is at work too. Let’s allow His good work to be completed within us. Because when God begins a good work in us, He will bring it through to completion.

Lord, it feels so good to know that You are the God of “AND”. You designed each and every one of us moms so uniquely and so intricately, and we give You thanks and praise because You create so perfectly. Lord, thank You for releasing us of the pressure of “who wore it best” and “who is better at what”. We don’t have to compare our walk to any other mama out there because You have called us each to our own lane. Whether we are in the business world or taking care of business at home, we are all doing the good work of motherhood You have set before us. And on the days that it seems to feel like we’ve blown it, or the moments when we feel as if we are doing too much and not enough at the same time, help us to remember that You Lord, are gracious AND compassionate. Thank You for seeing us right where we are, for sustaining us through the good and hard work we are all doing with Your help God. We ask that You’d help us to have the same grace and compassion towards all the mamas we see in our world, for we are all doing the good, hard, joyful, messy, and brilliant work of mothering. Help us to cheer each other on AND support one another as we battle side by side in life and prayer, Amen.
MOM work is the MOST NOBLE and GREATEST WORK on earth.
Congratulations to all mothers who’ve lived for the betterment of their children.
The ‘greatest’ man who ever lived was given to a ‘mom’ to raise.
Great devotional ❤️