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DAY 14: Working Mom

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Elizabeth Espinoza, Universal Banker at Vectra Bank, serves as one of the worship leaders at Junction Community Church, Grand Junction, CO. Loving wife and mother of 3 handsome sons, a 10th grader, a 7th grader and a 4th grader.


“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also!” –Matthew 6:21


A working woman is a super-woman! I know the tension of separating from my family, ‘my treasure,’ to labor outside my home. I’m sure you can relate. My career is not about me proving my abilities or defining my value, but about the work I allow God to do in and through me, on the mission field. Therefore, I experience the blessing of being a working professional as I use my expertise to shine God’s light and sprinkle His love!

As working mommas, we are spread thin and must maximize our time. While there is no perfect balance, as changing seasons require adjustments, we can keep our priorities straight while we get to work. We will experience true J-O-Y when we put J-Jesus 1st, O-others 2nd, and Y-yourself 3rd!

From one week to the next, COVID-19 flipped our nation upside down! Instantly, I became responsible and accountable for the academic structure and achievements of my three cherished sons with 16 different teachers, 14 online platforms to communicate through. Whoa! The quarantine’s restrictions provided me the blessing of “margin”… a weekly and daily Sabbath, in-between all the things I thought I had to do; many of which were not at all necessary. It also demanded I orchestrate a symphony of responsibilities. I’ve had a lovely revelation… the less busy I am with my own distractions, the more time, patience and appreciation I have for myself and my loved ones!

God gave us the treasure of family to help teach us how to receive and expend the unconditional and sacrificial love that He bestows upon each of us! Nothing can replace the value and purpose God has for you within your homes, and in your communities… You are essential!

My career should not cost my family. Rather, place them first to enjoy the fruits of my labor, practically and spiritually! The best present we can give our families, as working women, is to be present, giving intentional effort and genuine attention. They are not burdens, they are our blessings and they matter the most, right now and forever. It’s awesome to be a working professional… and more rewarding to be a working mother! Count your blessings and shine wherever God has you!

I know parenting is no easy mission and I will give credit where credit is due… Working moms work even harder when they get home! You know it’s true! There is no perfect child, and there is no perfect parent. Be gracious with yourself and with your children, and they will be gracious with you. As we live out and deposit the Fruits of the Spirit within our homes, we will assure and secure our loved ones that they are the worthy reason for our departure and the motivation for our return!


“Dear God, thank you for the treasure of family! May we see the opportunity, understand the lessons, receive the blessing and express our gratitude in every opportunity You afford us! Thank you Lord, Amen!”



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