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DAY 10: Grandmother

Writer: elevate devotionselevate devotions


Linda Kalahiki, Chief Marketing Officer at UHA Health Insurance, Recipient of the 2019 American Lung Association Outstanding Mother of the Year, Oversees the Prayer Ministry at Elevate Community Church, Honolulu, Hawaii. Seasoned wife, Grandmother of 4, great-grandmother of 1. 

BIBLE VERSE: “A gray head is a crown of glory; it is found in the way of righteousness.”

Proverbs 16:31 NIV


I was 46 when my first grandchild arrived—still a natural brunette back then. No matter our plans, when asked to babysit we would drop everything to spend time with her. And it’s still the case with our subsequent grandkids and great-grandchild.

Cultivating Godly Grandparenting isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it! Twenty-five years later, each grandkid claims to be our favorite.  We must be doing something right! I play my “Grandma Card”, spoiling my grandkids whenever possible, trying hard but sometimes going outside boundaries placed by their parents. I think their parents accept it now. Yet, I love them too much not to take advantage of teachable moments when opportunities arise. We’re also blessed that our granddaughter is raising her son in church as she was. 

We are older, wiser, more mature spiritually, more patient and express more grace than we did while “growing up” with our children—so much tougher!  And now, I do have gray hair—my crown of glory!

Living through COVID-19 brings many changes, the least of which is watching my hair turn grayer each day. The toughest is missing physical interaction with our grandkids and having those living nearby come for surprise visits.  We are thankful for virtual visits but, we long to hold them close once again. Can I challenge you to ask yourself these questions as you navigate through this pandemic?

How might you employ Godly Grandparenting in your grandkids lives?  

How are you adapting to the changes brought by COVID-19? 

Won’t we all be grateful for the day we are given the “all clear” and can be reunited with our families once again! 


Father, I pray encouragement and comfort for all Grandmothers during this difficult time. I pray an increase of faith and hope - a knowing that this season will pass. Help us connect in meaningful ways with our grandkids, even if it looks different right now. More importantly, help them remember that You, Father, are always with them. Guide our grandkids along the paths You have prepared. Bless us Lord Jesus. Amen. 


Lori Bumgardner
May 21, 2020

Still waiting to become GREAT Grand👍🏼


Lori Bumgardner
May 21, 2020

Linda, I believe we are kindred spirits when it comes to parenting and especially grand parenting. Those are my feelings exactly. Thank you for expressing it so well. God has blessed you abundantly❤️


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