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Financial giving can be divided into two categories: tithes and offerings.



teaches us that we worship the Lord with our tithe, which is 10% of our income contributed to your home church on a regular basis.



compelled to give over and above our tithe directly to the church or to a specific outreach, we do so as an offering.

Here is a brief explanation of the various funds we have at elevate church HI:


(GIVING NOTICE: By contributing to our donor designated funds [anything other than the general fund], donors acknowledge that the church has the authority & discretion to apply contributions restricted for this fund to another related purpose in the event that the project is canceled or oversubscribed.)

  • GENERAL FUND - When a someone brings their tithe (10%) to the storehouse (the local church), this is the fund it goes into (Malachi 3:10). This fund is discretionary money that can be used where it's needed most.

  • NEXT LEVEL - Help elevate get to the "next level." This fund is a donor designated fund for the sole purpose of helping elevate church HI to lease a larger facility. Similar to a "building fund,"  these funds can only be used for leasing a new facility and the construction/ renovation costs associated with it.

  • OUTREACH - These funds are set aside for elevate life community outreach & Kingdom partnerships like Salvation Army, Operation Christmas Child, & Project Vision. This fund is a donor designated fund that can only be used for those purposes.

  • YOUTH - This fund is set up for those that would like to support our elevate Youth Group specifically. This is a donor designated fund that can be used for Youth nights, events, camp, & outreaches, etc. 

  • BENEVOLENCE - This fund is for donor designated support and gifts given to help those in need of benevolence and financial support as determined by the church council and co-lead pastors of elevate church HI.​

We are truly grateful for your donation and hope the convenience and simplicity of online giving will be helpful to you.

You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.
2 Cor 9:7

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(GIVING NOTICE: By contributing to our donor designated funds [anything other than the general fund], donors acknowledge that the church has the authority & discretion to apply contributions restricted for this fund to another related purpose in the event that the project is canceled or oversubscribed.)


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Phone: 808-953-0032 (text or call)

© 2023 Elevate Church HI. All Rights Reserved.

Services: 1347 Kapiolani Blvd #408 (4th floor) Honolulu, HI 96814

Mailing Address: PO BOX 37291 HONOLULU HI 96837

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